Legal Notes

The following is a collection of articles that Attorney Brian Donahue writes for Plymouth New Beginnings, a singles support group that meets each Tuesday evening at the Plymouth United Methodist Church.
Attorney Donahue's website
Click here to visit Plymouth New Beginnings
A reduced cost legal clinic operated by Attorney Donahue
Your rights when buying a new or used car in Massachusetts
Moving out of state with minor children after a divorce
A look at Massachusetts' new child support guidelines
The advantages of filing for "No Fault" divorce
About the inequities of divorce - for both sides
Who picks up the outstanding debt in a divorce and how to protect your own credit report
A look at arbitration as an alternative to the traditional court system
Getting temporary child support/custody, etc. during the pendency of your trial
How child cusotdy is determined
A look at the new bankruptcy reform bill
5 tough questions to ask your lawyer about his billing practices
Things you may want to include in your will
Thanks for visiting.  Check out these other websites.
An article on Health Care Proxies
An article on Powers of Attorney
An article on Living Trusts
Part 1 of a 6 Part Series
Part 5 of a 6 Part Series
Part 4 of a 6 Part Series
Part 3 of a 6 Part Series
Part 2 of a 6 Part Series
Part 6 of a 6 Part Series
A look at the Small Claims process in Massachusetts
Parents of minor children have to take this class when getting divorced
Dumb things we say
A case study on Right of Ways
Part 1 of a 4 part series on Medicaid
Part 2 of a 4 part series on Medicaid
Part 3 of a 4 part series on Medicaid
Who gets the ring after the engagement is called off?
Really just a repeat of February, 2002's article
Watch out for the credit card companies
Part 4 of a 4 part series on Medicaid
The penalties of shoplifting in Massachusetts
How do the Courts divide your property in a divorce?
What makes a contract?
Lawyer jokes at their worst
Click here for an index of all topics
Fruit doesn't bloom from a tree unplanted.
A look at adoption and rights of privacy
Purchase & Sale Agreements
The new laws are coming!
Employment Discrimination
Should you get a divorce or an annulment?
"I took the month off
Social Security Disability Benefits - Part 1
Social Security Disability Benefits - Part 2
Employment Contracts and Covenants Not To Compete
Minimum Standards of Habitation
How your property gets distributed if you don't have a will.
A rerun of last month's article
Purpose of Probate
Getting Started
Collecting and Liquidating Assets
Paying bills and closing out the estate
"Patience, Grasshopper."
"Patience, Grasshopper."
"Patience, Grasshopper."
"Patience, Grasshopper."
"Patience, Grasshopper."
"Patience, Grasshopper."
"Patience, Grasshopper."